Cardiology is the medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and management of heart-related conditions. Cardiologists, specializing in cardiovascular care, address a diverse range of issues, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular disorders. They employ various diagnostic tools such as electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and stress tests. Cardiologists develop comprehensive treatment plans including lifestyle modifications, medications, and interventions like angioplasty. The field also covers preventive cardiology, emphasizing risk factor management to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
1. Congenital heart diseases, Hypertension, Dyslipidemias & other cardiac ailments
2. sken test (TMTIDSE ek), ABPM, Holler menitoring shop throcterical wechgatens & Ladrologiaι inverhgatene (CAF) CTCA CMR etc)
3. Inquograply & Argioplanty, Balloon Valvofony, Dwice closure, Pacemaker inteertin etc
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